Parent Portal

Important Information


Assemblies are held every Monday from 9:05am. Parents and friends are most welcome to attend.

Breakfast Club

Mackellar’s breakfast club is supported by Foodbank Victoria and the Department of Education. Breakfast Club at Mackellar provides students with a healthy breakfast, a positive start to the day and energy that allows students to engage fully in educational and social opportunities throughout the day.

WHEN: Monday to Friday

TIME: 8.30 am to 8.55 am

WHERE: Room 1

Before & After School Care

We are pleased to have TheirCare Before School, After School and Vacation Care programs at Mackellar Primary School.


TheirCare delivers high quality outside school hours care (OSHC) through qualified and inspired team members and through outstanding relationships with Schools and Families.

The programs run during the following times:

Before School Care: 6.15 am to 8.45 am
After School Care: 3.30 pm to 6.30 pm.
Curriculum Days and Vacation Care: 6.30 am to 6.30 pm.

To register your child please visit this link –


Camping Program

The canteen is open everyday except Wednesday for purchases and lunch orders.

There are always special items at the window for students to enjoy that are healthy and seasonal .

Lunch Orders

Parents please write your child’s name, grade, room number and order on a brown paper bag containing sufficient money.

All change will be taped to the bag. It would assist the canteen staff if correct money was provided with the order.

Car Parking

The school car parks are only for use by staff as authorised by the Department of Education and Training.

Mackellar Primary School has boom gates installed at the main staff car park to ensure safety, if you have a student with a movement disability and need to access the car park please contact the school to organise a meeting.

Please observe all parking restrictions in the streets surrounding the school.

The school appreciates the difficulties concerned with parking but has no control over Brimbank Council by-laws.

Parking Inspectors and Traffic Police regularly patrol the streets around the school.

Early Collection of Students

Parents wishing to collect their child from school during school hours must receive approval via the office.

Students will not be permitted to leave the school grounds without approval.

Late Arrivals

Students must report to the office to be signed using the kiosk iPad at by office staff before going to class.

We encourage all students to be at school no later than 8:55 am, although we understand there will be cases where students will be late to school.

Programs commence promptly at 9:00am.

Lost Property

Any students who leave behind items of clothing are placed safely in a lost property section.

Lost property is regularly addressed by a staff member of Mackellar, where they will go through and look for names on items of clothing and return it to them.

Please make sure you have written your child’s name on the item of clothing clearly.


If a student requires medication, Mackellar Primary School encourages parents to arrange for the medication to be taken outside of school hours. However, Mackellar Primary School understands that students may need to take medication at school or school activities. To support students to do so safely, Mackellar Primary School will follow the procedures set out in this policy.

Authority to administer

If a student needs to take medication while at school or at a school activity:

  • Parents/carers will need to arrange for the student’s treating medical/health practitioner to provide written advice to the school which details:
    • the name of the medication required
    • the dosage amount
    • the time the medication is to be taken
    • how the medication is to be taken
    • the dates the medication is required, or whether it is an ongoing medication
    • how the medication should be stored.
  • In most cases, parents/carers should arrange for written advice to be provided in a Medication Authority Form which a student’s treating medical/health practitioner should complete
  • If advice cannot be provided by a student’s medical/health practitioner, the principal (or their nominee) may agree that written authority can be provided by, or the Medication Authority Form can be completed by a student’s parents/carers.
  • The principal may need to consult with parents/carers to clarify written advice and consider student’s individual preferences regarding medication administration (which may also be provided for in a student’s Student Health Support Plan).

Parents/carers can contact Mackellar Primary School for a Medication Authority Form.

Administering medication

Any medication brought to school by a student needs to be clearly labelled with:

  • the student’s name
  • the dosage required
  • the time the medication needs to be administered.

Parents/carers need to ensure that the medication a student has at school is within its expiry date. If school staff become aware that the medication a student has at school has expired, they will promptly contact the student’s parents/carers who will need to arrange for medication within the expiry date to be provided.

If a student needs to take medication at school or a school activity, the principal (or their nominee) will ensure that:

  1. Medication is administered to the student in accordance with the Medication Authority Form so that:
  • the student receives their correct medication
  • in the proper dose
  • via the correct method (for example, inhaled or orally)
  • at the correct time of day.
  1. A log is kept of medicine administered to a student.
  2. Where possible, two staff members will supervise the administration of medication.
  3. The teacher in charge of a student at the time their medication is required:
    • is informed that the student needs to receive their medication
    • if necessary, release the student from class to obtain their medication.


In some cases it may be appropriate for students to self-administer their medication. The principal may consult with parents/carers and consider advice from the student’s medical/health practitioner to determine whether to allow a student to self-administer their medication.

If the principal decides to allow a student to self-administer their medication, the principal may require written acknowledgement from the student’s medical/health practitioner, or the student’s parents/carers that the student will self-administer their medication.

Storing medication

The principal (or their nominee) will put in place arrangements so that medication is stored:

  • securely to minimise risk to others
  • in a place only accessible by staff who are responsible for administering the medication
  • away from a classroom (unless quick access is required)
  • away from first aid kits
  • according to packet instructions, particularly in relation to temperature.

For most students, Mackellar Primary School will store student medication at Sick Bay

The principal may decide, in consultation with parents/carers and/or on the advice of a student’s treating medical/health practitioner:

  • that the student’s medication should be stored securely in the student’s classroom if quick access might be required
  • to allow the student to carry their own medication with them, preferably in the original packaging if:
    • the medication does not have special storage requirements, such as refrigeration
    • doing so does not create potentially unsafe access to the medication by other students.


Mackellar Primary School will not:

  • in accordance with Department of Education and Training policy, store or administer analgesics such as aspirin and paracetamol as a standard first aid strategy as they can mask signs and symptoms of serious illness or injury
  • allow a student to take their first dose of a new medication at school in case of an allergic reaction. This should be done under the supervision of the student’s parents, carers or health practitioner
  • allow use of medication by anyone other than the prescribed student except in a life threatening emergency, for example if a student is having an asthma attack and their own puffer is not readily available.

Medication error

If a student takes medication incorrectly, staff will endeavour to:




If required, follow first aid procedures outlined in the student’s Health Support Plan or other medical management plan.


Ring the Poisons Information Line, 13 11 26 and give details of the incident and the student.


Act immediately upon their advice, such as calling Triple Zero “000” if advised to do so.


Contact the student’s parents/carers or emergency contact person to notify them of the medication error and action taken.


Review medication management procedures at the school in light of the incident.


In the case of an emergency, school staff may call Triple Zero “000” for an ambulance at any time.

No Hat No Play

Too much of the sun’s UV can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage and skin cancer. UV damage accumulated during childhood and adolescence is strongly associated with an increased risk of skin cancer in later life. Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with two in three Australians developing some form of skin cancer before age 70.


This SunSmart policy provides guidelines to:

  • ensure all students and staff are protected from over-exposure to UV radiation;
  • ensure the outdoor environment provides shade for students and staff;
  • ensure students are encouraged and supported to develop independent sun protection skills to help them be responsible for their own sun protection;
  • support our school’s strategies to meet its duty of care and occupational health and safety obligations to minimise harmful UV exposure for students, staff and visitors.


Legislation and Standards



  • To assist with the implementation of this policy, staff and students are encouraged to access the daily local sun protection times via the SunSmart widget on the school’s website, the free SunSmart app, or at
  • The sun protection measures listed are used for all outdoor activities during the daily local sun protection times.

The sun protection times are a forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology for the time of day UV levels are forecast to reach 3 or higher. At these levels, sun protection is recommended for all skin types. In Victoria, UV levels regularly reach 3 or higher from mid-August to the end of April.


Seek shade

  • The school council makes sure there are sufficient shelters and trees providing shade in outdoor areas particularly in high-use areas e.g. where students have lunch, canteen, assemblies, sports, outdoor lessons and popular play spaces.
  • The availability of shade is considered when planning all other outdoor activities.
  • Students are encouraged to use available areas of shade when outside.
  • Students who do not have appropriate hats or outdoor clothing are asked to play in the shade or a suitable area protected from the sun.
  • In consultation with the school council, shade provision is considered in plans for future buildings and grounds.
  • A shade assessment is conducted regularly to determine the current availability and quality of shade.


Slip on sun protective clothing  

  • Cool, loose-fitting, sun protective clothing made of densely woven fabric is included in our school uniform / dress code and sports uniform. It includes shirts with collars and elbow-length sleeves, longer dresses and shorts and rash vests or t-shirts for outdoor swimming.

Slap on a sun protective hat

  • All students and staff wear hats that protect their face, neck and ears (legionnaire, broad-brim or bucket hat), whenever they are outside. Caps and visors are not considered a suitable alternative.

Slop on sunscreen 

  • Students provide their own SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen. This is included on the school’s booklist each year.


The school supplies SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen for staff and student’s use.

  • Sunscreen is applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions (applied at least 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapplied every two hours, or more frequently if sweating or swimming).
  • Strategies are in place to remind students to apply sunscreen before going outdoors (e.g. reminder notices, sunscreen monitors, sunscreen buddies).

Slide on sunglasses [if practical] 

  • Where practical students wear close-fitting, wrap-around sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard 1067 (Sunglasses: Category 2, 3 or 4) and cover as much of the eye area as possible.


  • Programs on sun protection are included in the curriculum for all year levels.
  • Students are encouraged to be involved in initiatives to promote and model sun protection measures to the whole school community.
  • SunSmart behaviour is regularly reinforced and promoted to the whole school community through newsletters, school website/intranet, staff and parent meetings, school assemblies, student and teacher activities and at student enrolment/new staff orientation.


  • As part of OHS UV risk controls and role-modelling, staff, families and visitors:
  • wear a sun protective hat, covering clothing and, if practical, sunglasses;
  • apply sunscreen; and
  • seek shade whenever possible.

School Fees

You need to pay some costs when your child goes to a government school. Costs can be for essential items, optional extras or voluntary payments to the school.

This page explains school costs, how to lower them and what you can do if you’re having difficulties.

What a free public education includes

Victorian government schools must teach the standard curriculum to all students for free. This covers prep to year 12.

Each school receives funding from the government to teach the standard curriculum. This funding pays for:

  • staff to do the teaching and run the school
  • the buildings and facilities
  • extra support for children with a disability.

Items you pay for

You pay for items that are essential to help your child learn the standard curriculum. Your school will decide what those items are and give you a list.

In most cases the school provides the essential items, and you pay the school.

You can choose to provide some items yourself. Check with the school first to make sure the item is correct.

Essential items include

  • text books and stationery that your child borrows from the school or keeps
  • materials used for school work where your child keeps the final product. For example, wood used in a woodworking class.
  • school uniform, if your school has one
  • excursions or work placements that all students must attend.

Laptops and tablets

Buy or bring your own device, the school will provide a device for your child to use when needed.

Optional items

These are items on top of the standard curriculum. You can choose whether to pay for them.

Optional items include

  • extra-curricular or after school programs
  • class photos
  • formals
  • materials that are more expensive than needed for the standard curriculum. For example, using mahogany wood in a woodworking class instead of standard pine wood.

Voluntary payments

Your school can ask if you’d like to make a voluntary payment or donation. The payment will be for a specific purpose, like renovating a building or buying new equipment.

You can choose whether to give a voluntary payment. Some payments are tax-deductible, check with your school first.

Schools can only ask about a voluntary payment once and then give one reminder. They cannot repeatedly ask.

Who decides the costs?

Each school council decides their own costs, fees and essential items.

Schools set their own costs so they can meet their local community’s needs. They can also set their own priorities and run different subjects. This means your costs may be different to parents in other schools.

Your school must have a policy which explains how they calculate fees and give a copy of the policy to you.

You can read the parent payments policy that schools must follow.

How to lower your costs

  • Ask your school which essential items you can supply yourself. You may be able to buy generic versions, borrow from friends or you may already have the item.
  • Buy second hand items and uniforms where possible. Ask your school about their uniform shop and swap days.
  • Ask for iron-on logos for uniforms.
  • Use your own laptop or tablet if it’s compatible with the school’s network.
  • Apply for a scholarship​ if your child is eligible.

Get help with school costs

If you don’t understand the costs you’ve been asked to pay, speak to your school first.

There are options if you’re having financial difficulties. Read more about help with school costs and fees.

Your school cannot stop your child from learning the standard curriculum if you can’t pay

Student Absence

If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence.

Ways to notify the school of your child’s absence:

  • School Absence Line: Call 9364 0200 – please follow the prompts.
  • Xuno app to notify the school of their child’s absence (
  • Replying to school text message with reason.
  • You can also add the absence prior to the date via the XUNO login

For futher information please visit the DET website for absences

School Crossing

There are supervised crossings outside our school that allow your child to arrive and leave the school safely.

Please make sure that your child uses these crossings correctly.

The crossings operate daily between 8:15am to 9:00am and 3:00pm to 3:45pm.

Parents are asked to use the crossing when accompanying students in and out of the school grounds. 

School Hours
8:55am Students enter the classroom
9:00am Morning Routine
9:05am – 10:05am Session 1
10:05am – 11:05am Session 2
11:05am – 11:35am Recess
11:35am – 12:35pm Session 3
12:35pm – 1:35pm Session 4
1:35pm – 1:45pm Students eating time
1:45pm – 2:30pm Lunch time
2:30pm – 3:30pm Session 5
3:30pm End of school day
School Newsletter

School Newsletters are published every fortnight.

They are posted online on our website and through the XUNO app. Please read these carefully as they contain items of interest, advance warning of school activities, sports days, Curriculum days, conference dates, school trips and excursions etc.

All newsletter are digital to save the environment from printing. 

Head to the main page to access the newsletters.

School Uniform

Mackellar Primary School has a school uniform designed and produced by PSW.

You can puchase online or in store.

Online Store Link

In Store

Deer Park

(03) 9768 0342
Unit 2, 51-53 Westwood Drive, Ravenhall VIC 3023

Normal Hours
Tuesday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 10am – 1pm
Sunday – Monday Closed

Extended Hours
Monday 18th November 2019 to Saturday 7th March 2020
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 9am – 2pm
Sunday Closed

Visitors & Working with Children Checks

All visitors to Mackellar Primary School must proceed to the General Office to sign in via our Kiosk system and obtain a visitor’s pass, this includes parents visiting the school.

All people visiting Mackellar Primary School require a ‘Working with Children’ check. These must be shown at the office where a copy is taken. This is a legal requirement of all schools.

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